Monday, 9 January 2012

Dr John Bennett Memorial Swim 2012

The rain held off and the air was about 12 degrees warmer than last year. So less festive and crisp, also less like an endurance exercise. A fine turn out from the Bennetts. Seamus, Anel, Brendan and Bruce came over from Suffolk, Car and Mike from Cambridge and Holly and Olly from London. Even Joe Lewis made an appearance on new year's eve. Tim and Lou came over from Devon. Seamus was first in again, followed by a fine entry from Brendan, they were followed by over 30 others. All in all there were 33. The numbers have pretty much doubled year on year and this year saw nearly half the entrants under the age of 14. Maddy climbed in from the side and Amy tried hard to get in but didn't quite manage a swim - I'm sure she will next year. For all the fun and frolics, for many of us there the swim is tinged with sadness as we remember our Dad and how sad Mum will be feeling. A a cheery note, when Caroline saw the murky brown river she said 'there's no way our Dad would have got in there'. I'm not so sure... watch Dom Moorhouse's fantastic short film of the day here:

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